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 It did. I caught the scent of him in the shop, and this has the same awful aroma, Aida
answered on a hushed note.  Quick, Ete & 
I studied the fabric for a long moment. Aida was my closest and dearest friend. She
has always been a bit of a flake when it comes to love. She was forever throwing herself
into a relationship and did things without considering consequences. However, I adore
her and wanted to help. I had to ask,  Is it different this time, Aida? Have you felt
 forever when you looked at Desmond? Did he give you that sort of response when he
was with you?
 Yes, Ete, so different & before, I always thought about what I wanted, what I
needed. With Desmond, he comes first for me. I think of him & just him without regard
to myself. I knew at once, and that feeling grew. This was not anything I had ever felt
before. She sighed and gave me a grave look.  Ete & don t you feel the time has come
to give it up on Breslyn and take a lover?
I laughed.  Time everlasting yes, it is time to take a lover and that lover will be
Breslyn. I don t want variety although that is a good thing I just want one mate for all
time. I want your brother.
 My brother, Aida said with a sigh,  is determined otherwise. I wish he would wake
up and see you. Do you feel forever when you look at Breslyn?
 I do. I feel it so strongly that no other would do for me. My feelings for him are all-
consuming and have been from the moment I really looked at him. Aida, I fell in love
with Breslyn when I was still too young to do so. Years ago, I watched him and decided
he was meant for me. Mother always said I was a late bloomer. It was true. The few times
I saw your brother when you and I were growing up, I always thought him special but
this & burning feeling can t be matched. I sighed over the fact.  It started when we sat
on the council together, and oh, Aida, I fell so hard, so fast.
 Why does he resist you?
 I believe he thinks I am too young, and he is not ready to commit to forever. He has
never done so in all his years, so he must certainly be set against that sort of commitment.
I believe it is part of the reason he dallies with human women. Their lives are so
short &  It was a problem I had contemplated a great deal recently.  Never mind that
now. Here, put your hands & like so, on this corner of the map.
Aida complied quickly, and I whispered the ancient Danu words as she sprinkled a
handful of her own brand of gold dust over the map. A moment later there were over
twenty different stars emanating a glow on different sections of the Dublin map.
 The abomination has been everywhere & how will we pin him down to his most
recent visit & ? Aida wailed.
 The strongest glow is here.
 What do we do?
 First, return that piece of evidence to wherever Breslyn had it stored!
It was gone, and Aida beamed.  Done. What next?
 Human Glamour, my sweet pea & 
 Because, Aida, we are off for Dublin to investigate Desmond s disappearance, and if
we are to ask about, we can t be invisible. We must look and act like humans.
 Oh, fun, I do so like human clothes & so raw and sexy, Aida said excitedly as she
eyed herself in the tall mirror.
She always makes me laugh. All at once, and before I could caution her, she grabbed
my hand and shifted us & and it was not to Dublin.
~ Eight ~
WHEW! WHAT A NIGHT. Was it all just a dream? Had I really dined with Shayne
Bantry? Had it all been real? I dropped my clothes and left them where they fell, then I
climbed into bed, pulled the covers all around, and put out the lamp beside my bed.
I was still trembling with excitement. Shayne Bantry had done that to me. Earlier that
evening, I turned to find him standing behind me in the library. I was determined to be all
grown up and at ease with him. That s right, I told myself. You are an accomplished
artist here to do a job. He is your boss, and although he is a hunk, you will behave as
though he is just a regular guy besides, you need to borrow a car.
He wasn t though a regular guy. He was in fact, a mysterious stranger, someone the
prince had asked me to watch. He hates the Fae. He needed a Fae Relic. Oh, but I had a
big plate of questions in front of me.
What was his story? What made him tick? Why did the prince think he needed
watching? Why why? I don t know why. All the prince had said was that I was not here
by chance, and that the Fae queen was interested in Bantry s behavior.
The  why was not answered by the prince, and although I had racked my brain for a
possible answer, none came to mind. So, what was I to think? As to thinking, apparently I
was not quite capable of clear thought when I am near Shayne Bantry. When his hand
brushed against mine & my body took over. No brain in my head. Shivers down my
I got some insight when he spoke about his parents; however briefly, it showed me
another side of this complicated, self-controlled man. There was so very much that made [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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