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Then he focused on Kara. On the leg extensions.
 What the hell are you doing?
She looked like she was biting her lips. He tried to keep himself from focusing on
the desire to nibble on them himself.
 What the hell do you think? Her voice was breathy, probably from the
workout. The sound of it made his cock twitch.
 Weights aren t the best thing for your knees.
She shrugged, and her voice was bitter.  What, now you believe me?
He forced back the urge to grab and shake her.  I believe you had an injury, he
forced out between gritted teeth.  And it s not a good idea --
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 Save it. Kara wiped her forehead with the towel slung around her neck.  Not
that it s your deal, but I ve already cleared it with Lil.
 Great. Perfect. Duke almost turned away, but a sudden thought had him
glaring back at her.  You can t get up, can you?
Her eyes flickered.  I m fine.
 Prove it.
 They re just a little stiff. Her face was carefully blank now.
 Stubborn idiot.
He plucked her from the seat, one arm under her shoulders, another under her
knees. This time there was no head resting on his shoulder.
 I m fine! Put me down.
 I m taking you to Lil.
 I swear I m going to kick your fucking ass if you don t put me down right
He was at the door. He dropped her legs, wedging her between the door and his
already bulging erection. Felt the dark satisfaction of seeing her cheeks flush deeper, her
eyes widen.
 Go ahead. Kick my ass. He could smell her -- heat, musk, female.
Her hands fisted in his hair. Then she was kissing him, fusing her mouth with
his, grinding her center against his aching cock.
Someone moaned.
Kara tore her mouth away, slapping a restraining hand against his chest.  No.
Don t.
Duke rolled his hips against her, watched her eyelashes flutter.  You really want
me to stop?
 Let go of me.
Fighting the urge to simply take her, he set her on her feet carefully, ready to
steady her if she staggered.
She stood military straight.  I can t do this. You either want me or you don t.
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 You have doubts about that? He caught her small palm in his hand, pressed it
against his straining cock.
She snatched her hand away.  You re hot and then you re ice cold. I can t keep
 Sweetheart, let me show you hot. He wasn t in the mood for talking now.
 I said no, damn you! Was there a glimmer of tears in her eyes?  You want me?
You act like you despise me afterward. I can t handle it. She knocked away the hand
he lifted to touch her face.  Don t. Just don t.
He sighed, then simply wrapped his arms around her stiffened body and
dropped his forehead to rest on her head.  It s me I despise, he murmured.  Can t stay
away from you. It won t stop. Despite his aching cock he didn t make a move to bring
her closer. Instead he held still for a few precious moments, feeling the tension in her
start drifting.
Kara sighed.  It s probably the same effect --
Incoming beeped. Urgent.
 NeoSoviet on intercept. Trent s voice was clipped through the dataUnit.
 Ygroza class.
* * *
Duke paced the commandPost out of range of the screen.
Brenner -- cool, calm and polished -- dealt with Verkov.  I regret the lack of
progress. His tone left no room for questions.  The toxin in Pilot Dillon is hazardous to
the systems on this ship. As I am sure you accounted for.
On screen, Verkov leaned closer, his weak chin offset by a long meaty nose.
 Which is why I arranged to meet you halfway. I imagine you want to get rid of her as
fast as possible.
On the other side of Brenner, Trent typed furiously. A char message appeared on
screen three. Shuttle three was just accessed.
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Verkov had hacked into the GrimJustin through the shuttle? Fuck. An onsite
check was required.
Trusting Brenner to handle it, Duke rushed to the shuttle dock. Station three was
open; he jumped in just as the lights dimmed.
The hatch was blown. He gripped a handle, felt the grav slap him down before
the speed and power of the shuttle took over.
Then there was space.
Chapter Ten
Kara sat in the pilot seat.
 GrimJustin, Pilot Dillon on Shuttle Three. Her voice was hoarse, as if she was
forcing the words out.  I am returning to Alan Verkov s custody. Your transpo will be
returned as soon as possible.
Duke considered possibilities, and settled on simple.  You want to tell me what
the hell you re doing?
Startled, she turned. Refused to look him in the eye.  I m going to see Verkov.
Her old suit was back on -- she d done something to put it back together,
repairing the torn shoulder.
 You could have just asked.
 I didn t.
Slowly he inched forward, preparing to knock her out to regain control.  You
make no sense.
 Yeah. She sounded resigned.  That s my biggest problem.
Incoming beeped.  GrimJustin shuttle. Prepare to be taken aboard.
Duke inched closer, calculated odds.  Why are you doing this?
She looked at him now, her dark eyes sad and tired.  I fucked you up once. I
won t have it happen again.
Somehow he thought that ache in his gut would leave when she admitted the
truth. Instead, he felt empty.
 Confessing, sweetheart? He fought to keep his voice calm.
Kara walked toward him, even as the shuttle jerked and moved under them.  I
loved you. Her voice was empty, as if nothing was left. It somehow matched the cold
feeling in his gut.  I loved you. When they had me& They crushed something. On my
Fiona Jayde GrimJustin 2: DisArmed - 65 -
legs. This man& told me to crawl& for the meds. And then he wouldn t administer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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