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flechettes that had spread low and wide.
The Armorer had wasted not a second in slinging the M-4000 and bringing the
Uzi into play, his short bursts directed at mopping up those sections of the
heaving mass that still seemed to be alive and dangerous.
Passing the now chilled pile of mutie flesh, the Armorer established a safe
position by a sheet-metal shack, firing a quick blast through the opening to
clear the inside of any possible danger. Covering his back, he began to pick
off any muties that passed his view, with his attention primarily focused on
the ranch house windows and doorway, from which the wood and glass had long
since disappeared.
"Only me," a breathless cry had announced as J.B. had whirled to greet the
sounds coming up behind him. "Had the same idea, eh?" the sardonic Downey
announced, settling himself in beside J.B. and sweeping the long, iron-gray
hair from his sweat-spangled face. Somewhere along the line, his habitual
ponytail had come loose, and the strands of hair across his vision were both
irritating and dangerous.
J.B. could smell the powder and heat from the discharged Sharps, and knew that
the sec man had been busy at his task, and that he, too, had the foresight to
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_56_-_Sunchild the ranch house.
"Better to chill them as they emerge, not let the bastards get those blasters
all over the show." The sec man grinned in answer to J.B.'s unasked question.
And now they were picking off passing muties and had a group holed up in the
ranch house, loosing blaster shots that whined high and wide past the sec men.
There were also shots from inside the ranch house itself.
"Think we could leave them to chill themselves like that?" Downey questioned.
"Guess I'm getting cramp around here."
"Could risk a gren," J.B. answered. Squinting through his spectacles, the
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Armorer took a hand from his Uzi to push his fedora back on his head and
scratch idly at his forehead. "Doesn't seem to be too many of ours around this
point, and the house looks strong enough to contain the blast. Problem is,
what if they've got a stock of grens in there themselves?"
"Good call," Downey replied thoughtfully, realizing why the Armorer hadn't
risked a gren before. He looked around. There was no localized righting. The
ville was small, but large enough for there to be none of the war party within
a radius of about fifty yards. "Wouldn't they have blown themselves up by now,
if they had any?" he asked.
J.B. pursed his lips and blew. "Odds are," he said simply, reaching into one
of the pockets stuffed with ammo and grens that littered his jacket. He
produced a gren, pulled the pin and rose to a standing position. A seemingly
lazy swing of the arm, along with a perfect eye for distance, saw the gren arc
in the air and
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_56_-_Sunchild land through one of the windows.
"Down," J.B. commanded, pushing Downey to the rear of the shack.
The explosion was muffled, only the open doorway and windows allowing the
force to escape. The structure of the building seemed to blow out, almost to
the point of crumbling, before returning to normal. The sound of the ammo
supplies firing off filled the immediate area, and then died.
The building was darkened and still, all the more obvious in the light and
confusion surrounding.
"Guess that's seen to that," Downey remarked. "Let's go and get that mother
nuke, my friend."
J.B. grunted his assent, and they left the shelter of the tin shack to enter
the fray.
KRYSTY FOUND herself alongside Rankine and Bodie. The rangy sec man was
striding through the mayhem with ease, firing off shots from his .303 Lee
Enfield and then swinging the stock to club Sunchildren out of his path.
"Impressive dude, eh?" Bodie panted in Krysty's ear, the exertion showing on
his fat face. He was using his blaster sparingly, a Tekna knife like the
Armorer's clasped in his other pudgy hand. "Me, I'm not really much of a
fighter. Always get nerves, you know? Talk too fuckin' much, like I am now.
Nerves, y'see?"
Krysty raised her blaster and took off the top half of an advancing stickie's
head with one shot. There were still a few of the stickies that had been in
Sunchild's attack party at the ville, and they were now robed like the other
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