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accept that you can t know everything.
www.samhainpublishing.com 67
Amanda Young
 Why? Sara s gaze was filled with questions when it finally settled on
his face.  I don t understand.
Tristan met Sara s eyes.  Just know that I would tell you everything if
I could. He owed her the truth. He didn t owe Mark a damn thing.
Mark shot him a smug look and wrapped his arm around Sara s
back, giving her shoulder a squeeze. Sara probably thought the action
was meant for comfort. Tristan knew differently. It was a possessive
demonstration for his behalf alone.
He wondered how fast he could wipe the condescending smile off the
bastard s face if he informed him of where Sara had spent the night. Told
him that she had been in his bed, in his arms, moaning for his touch
only a short time ago.
 All right. Whatever you say, Tristan. Sara sighed.  I d like to get this
over with. The sooner we can get this whole mess sorted out and put
behind us the better.
Tristan heard the unspoken meaning behind her words loud and
clear. The quicker he disappeared, the happier she would be.
 Fine by me, he snapped.  Ask your questions. A hurt look crossed
over Sara s face, making him instantly regret his tone. This couldn t be
easy on her, and he wasn t making things any more pleasant by acting
like an ass. He rephrased his question and gentled his tone.  What do
you want to know first?
Sara s gaze darted back and forth between him and Mark, like she
wasn t sure she should ask whatever it was on her mind. Her lashes
lowered and her breasts heaved under the force of her breath. She shot
an apologetic look at Mark before speaking.  You re supposed to be
dead, she whispered, so low he had to lean forward and strain to make
out her words.  Since you re obviously alive and well, I want to know
why. Why all the lies? If you wanted to get rid of me and move on to
greener pastures, all you had to do was say so. You didn t have to fake
your own death to do it. Why did you want us to think you were dead?
One lone tear streamed down her cheek. Tristan felt her anguish like
a punch in the gut. He expected her to ask where the hell he d been, rail
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Missing In Action
at him for leaving. Anger he could deal with. He didn t know how to cope
with the hurt and sorrow, or her assumption that he d faked his death to
get rid of her. It was the farthest thing from the truth.  I m sorry, Sara. I
can t answer most of that. I can tell you that I didn t want to leave. The
choice was taken out my hands. Both she and Mark looked at him in
Mark snorted.  Okay. Where have you been all this time and why are
you back now?
Tristan turned to answer Mark s question, expecting to see the anger
and loathing that had been directed at him since he d walked in the door.
Instead he saw that Sara hadn t been the only one to suffer at his loss.
While anger still clouded Mark s face, grief was there as well. That
he d never considered Mark being hurt by his leaving or really caring one
way or the other after his disappearance made him feel like scum. It was
a feeling he seemed to be experiencing a lot lately.
Once upon a time they d been close. As close as two misfit orphans
could be. They were both placed into the same foster home when he was
sixteen. For two years they d lived together as quasi-brothers. He felt like
a real bastard for not considering that Mark may have been hurt by his
He looked at the couple across from him with newly opened eyes.
How could he stay angry at both of them for coming together in their
grief over losing him? It was his fault they were together.
Tristan met Mark s inquisitive stare.  I m sorry. I can t tell you that
either. As for why I m here, Shame and I have been looking into the
string of murders in this area lately. I guess you could say we were hired
to investigate The Mangler.
 I want to know one more thing and then we can move on to what
happened last night. Sara chewed on her bottom lip, her gaze raking
over his face.  I expect a damn answer this time, Tristan. So help me
God, if you don t give me one, I won t be responsible for my actions.
www.samhainpublishing.com 69
Amanda Young
 I ll answer if I can, Sara. That s all I can promise. There are some
things I don t have the ability to tell you. He watched her fidget around
in her seat for a moment before she spoke.
 Did you know about Sam?
 Jesus Christ, Sara, he said, sitting back forcefully against the chair
as if she had reached out and slapped him.  No, I didn t know. Of course
I didn t. I only found out about him earlier this week, when I came back
to town. If you believe a single damn word that comes out of my mouth,
you should believe that.
The relief he saw cross over her features stung. Did she really think [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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