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forced to resign in 1915. Thus, once again, history repeats itself. In May, 1940, Churchill again
joined hands with the Socialists to form a new government.
Mr. J.M. Spaight, C.B., C.B.E., was the principal assistant secretary to the British Air Ministry
during World War II. In his book Bombing Vindicated, published in 1944, he reveals that the
ruthless bombing of German cities started on May 11th, 1940, the evening of the day Winston
Churchill became Prime Minister. Britain started the bombing and, as was to be expected,
Germany retaliated. Thus the war was placed on a destructive basis.
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William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 16, 17
Mr. Spaight also reveals that on September 2nd, 1939, when Mr. Chamberlain was still in
office, a declaration had been made by the British and French governments that  Only strictly
Military objectives, in the narrowest sense of the word, would be bombarded. Churchill s
policy to bomb open towns and cities has been defended but it never can be justified.
There is another point, not generally known, that needs to be mentioned. It has been recorded
that many German generals did not agree with Hitler s policies. The Nazi War Lords knew they
had to get Hitler out of the way, and subjugate the Communist Dictatorships controlled by
Stalin, before they could carry out their Long Range Plan for world domination. The all-out-
war against Britain was not in keeping with their programme. Russian Communism, and the
Jews, had to be subjugated and destroyed before they could launch their attack westward and
subjugate Britain and the United States. This was the Nazi Plan, not the Fascist policy. The
Nazi plan was international in scope. The Fascist cause was national.
A secret meeting of Nazi War Lords was held in May, 1941. They decided they would use Herr
Hitler s friendly policy towards Britain to try to get Britain to call off the war against Germany.
Rudolf Hess was instructed to fly to Scotland and contact Lord Hamilton and Churchill, so he
could try to influence the British government to sign a Peace Treaty.
Hess was instructed to tell the British government that if they would sign a Peace Treaty the
German generals would get rid of Hitler and then concentrate all their military power on the
destruction of Communism in Russia and other European countries. Hitler knew nothing of this
Hess flew to Scotland, but Churchill refused to agree to the offer made by Hess. The German
generals then persuaded Hitler to undertake an all out offensive against Russia, pointing out that
until Russia was defeated they could not extend their military operations outside of Germany
without undertaking the serious risk of being stabbed in the back by Stalin when he considered
the moment opportune.
On June 22nd, 1941, German Forces invaded Russia. Immediately they took action to crush the
Communist menace Britain and the United States of America pooled their resources to aid
Stalin defeat the German armed forces. Convoys of ships were organized to carry munitions of
war to Russia via Murmansk and the Persian Gulf.[18]
During the Irish Rebellion, a security regulation 18-B had been passed by Order in Council to
enable the English police to detain and interrogate people they  suspected might be members
of the Irish Republican Army intent on committing acts of annoyance or sabotage. In 1940 the
practice had been discontinued for many years.
On May 23rd, 1940, during the first two weeks of Mr. Churchill s Premiership, he used this
obsolete regulation to arrest all the prominent people who had tried to prevent Britain from
being dragged into a war with Germany, prior to September, 1939, and those who had opposed
his policy to turn the Phony War into a Fighting War.
Many hundreds of British subjects were arrested without any charge being made against them.
They were thrown into prison without trial under Regulation 18-B which deprived them of the
http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/carr/pawns_16.html (23 of 25)5.4.2006 12:16:42
William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 16, 17
rights and privileges of the Habeas Corpus Act. Magna Carta was ignored and ridiculed.
These wholesale arrests were made by the police on the unsupported statement of Mr. Herbert
Morrison that he, as Secretary of State,  had reasonable cause to believe the said persons had
been recently concerned in acts prejudicial to the public safety, in defence of the realm, or in the
preparation or instigation of such acts, and that by reason thereof, it was necessary to exercise
control over them.
Captain Ramsay, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, their wives and friends, and hundreds of other
citizens were thrown into Brixton prison. Some of them were detained until September, 1944.
[19] They were treated like criminals, and far worse than prisoners on remand.
Just prior to this outrageous action on the part of those who did the bidding of the international
bankers, the press controlled by the Money-Barons had conducted an hysterical propaganda
campaign claiming Germany had a strong and well-organized 5th Column in Great Britain
ready to give aid to invading German troops the moment they landed.
Subsequent investigation proved that the very competent British Intelligence Service never
produced at the time, or since, even the flimsiest evidence that any of those arrested were ever
engaged in any conspiracy.
There is plenty of evidence to prove that the newly formed British government, under Churchill,
was ordered to take this unjust action against all prominent and influential people in Britain who
had voiced their opinion that  International Jewry had promoted the war between Britain and
Just before the wholesale arrests were made, Mrs. Nicholson, the wife of Admiral Nicholson,
another very distinguished British naval officer, had been arrested as a result of a  Smear
campaign. She had stated publicly she thought the plot to involve Britain in war with Germany
was the work of the international Jewish bankers. Four charges were actually  framed against
Mrs. Nicholson. She was tried by a judge and jury. She was acquitted on all counts. This [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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