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was the party created to mesh Castro s July First, there was a concern that the United group. He thus sought to avoid party dis-
26th Movement, the Revolutionary Direc- States would interpret such direct Cuban unity by convincing the leaders that the
torate, and the Popular Socialist Party into criticism of the Soviet Union as a visible purge was necessary to protect Cuban na-
one unit. What made the attack on Escalante sign of rupture between Cuba and its bene- tionalism, which was the ultimate source of
and his cohorts especially dramatic was that factor. Cuban leaders, quite mindful of the legitimacy. Castro did this, one former
they were charged with adhering to criti- 1965 Dominican Republic invasion, did not official remarked, by explaining that  the
cisms of the Cuban Communist Party that want to encourage U.S. hawks to attempt platform of the micro-faction would in fact
had been voiced by Moscow-oriented com- military attacks against the island. The mi- turn us into a Soviet satellite. This not only
munist parties in Latin America. Moreover, cro-faction trial, after all, focused on alleg- would have subverted Cuban national iden-
they were accused of meeting with officials edly errant individuals and avoided impli- tity, but would have been a grave error,
of the Soviet embassy in Havana, of provid- cating the Soviet Union directly. because as he argues in the section of the
ing these officials (one of whom was alleg- Cuban leaders were also worried about speech on the Missile Crisis the Soviet
edly the KGB station chief) with false infor- internal disunity. On the one hand, they did Union was untrustworthy.
mation about Cuba, and of encouraging the not want to encourage the Cuban public to Third, by keeping the speech secret,
Soviet Union to apply economic sanctions seize on the speech as a sign that Cuba Castro sent a message to the Soviet Union
against Cuba. In effect, their purge could be disavowed all aspects of Soviet socialism. that while Cuba profoundly disagreed with it
interpreted as a direct rebuff to the Soviet There was considerable cultural ferment in over several issues, there was still the possi-
Union. Cuba at the time, and Cuban leaders were bility of accommodation. Had the Cuban
Why, then, would Fidel Castro s speech feeling besieged by increasing criticism from head of state made his criticisms public, it
FIDEL CASTRO, GLASNOST, S. Khrushchev, E. Primakov and many other During our meetings, I told him about our
AND THE CARIBBEAN CRISIS people who were involved in the events of discussions with the Americans, and asked
1962 to attend the conference. him if he thought it would be a good idea for
by Georgy Shakhnazarov The Moscow conference turned out to the Cubans to join the process in order to
be particularly interesting thanks to the par- present the maximum amount of reliable
In October 1987, Harvard University ticipation of an authoritative Cuban delega- information about this dramatic episode in
hosted a symposium on the Caribbean Cri- tion led by Sergio del Valle, a member of the Cuban and world history.
sis (or Cuban Missile Crisis) in which Rob- Cuban government who in 1962 had been the Fidel thought for a moment, stroking
ert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Theodore Cuban army chief of staff. This article de- his beard with a familiar gesture. Then he
Sorensen, and other prominent veterans of scribes how this unprecedented Cuban in- said:  It is not only a good idea, but it is a
the Kennedy Administration took part; I volvement in an East-West historical inves- necessity. There are so many myths and
was one of three Soviets who also partici- tigation became possible, and Fidel Castro s puzzles about those events. We would be
pated, along with Fyodor Burlatsky and personal role in that decision. On 7 Novem- able to help, to give information about the
Sergo Mikoyan. At the conclusion of that ber 1987, only a few weeks after the Harvard events in which we were immediate partici-
interesting discussion it was agreed to ad- discussions, the Soviet Union celebrated the pants. But nobody has invited us.
vance a step further the historical study that 70th anniversary of the October Socialist Then I requested an invitation for the
had been jointly launched.1 Revolution. Foreign delegations were led by Cubans to the Moscow conference. Fidel
The next  round of this study was held the  first persons, and Fidel Castro was promised to send a delegation and he deliv-
in Moscow in January 1989.2 The Soviet among them. At that time I was a deputy ered on his word. More than that. He
Political Science Association and the Insti- chairman of the CPSU Central Committee positively responded to the idea to hold a
tute of World Economy and International department responsible for relations with  third round in Cuba, and indeed a confer-
Relations invited U.S. former officials and Cuba, and I had an opportunity to talk with ence was held, with Fidel s active participa-
scholars, and on the Soviet side A. Gromyko, the Cuban leader several times in his resi- tion, in Havana in January 1992.3
A. Dobrynin, A. Alexeev, O. Troyanovsky, dence, the mansion at the Leninskie Gory.
continued on page 87
would have been far more difficult to over- challenge because it claimed to be the model quent months, in speeches critical of the
come the tensions with the Soviet Union. for developing socialism in Latin America, Soviet model of socialism and world revolu-
These tensions were reaching their peak and the Cuban proletariat was less advanced tion, and supporting Ché Guevara s Novem-
in January 1968. In a public speech on than that in some other countries. Moreover, ber 1966 expedition to Bolivia, which was
January 2, the Cuban leader blamed the the Cuban revolution had succeeded largely opposed by the Bolivian Communist Party.24
Soviet Union for an inadequate delivery of without the support of the Popular Socialist Guevara had left Cuba in 1965, but he sent a
fuel that he asserted would require a stricter Party. To some extent the ideological prob- message to the Tricontinental Conference in
rationing of gasoline.19 What the Soviets lem could be obscured by treating Cuba as which he declared that through  liberation
had done was to increase supplies only mod- an exception, especially during the period struggles in Latin America,  the Cuban
estly from the previous year, and well below that it was not ruled by a communist party. Revolution will today have a task of much
what the Cubans needed to pursue their But the issue became more critical after greater relevance: creating a Second or a
ambitious plan of producing a ten million October 1965, when the Cuban Communist Third Vietnam.... 25 In August 1967, at the
ton sugar harvest by 1970. This plan was an Party was formally established as the ruling first meeting of the Organization for Latin
element in their goal of achieving some party. American Solidarity which was created [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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