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help keep your secret, that you..
"You don't know my secret."
"That you're a tyrant? That's no. . ."
"Gods have more power than tyrants, Duncan."
"I don't like what I'm hearing."
"When has an Atreides ever asked you to like your job?"
"You ask me to command your Fish Speakers who are judge, jury and executioner..
." Idaho broke off.
"And what?"
Idaho remained silent.
Leto stared across the chill distance between them, so short a space yet so far.
It's like playing a fish on a line, Leto thought. You must calculate the
breaking point of every element in the contest.
The problem with Idaho was that bringing him to the net always hastened his end.
And it was happening too rapidly this time. Leto felt sadness.
"I won't worship you," Idaho said.
"The Fish Speakers recognize that you have a special dispensation," Leto said.
"Like Moneo and Siona?"
"Much different."
"So rebels are a special case."
Leto grinned. "All of my most trusted administrators were rebels at one time."
"I wasn't a . . ."
"You were a brilliant rebel! You helped the Atreides wrest an Empire from a
reigning monarch."
Idaho's eyes went out of focus with introspection. "So I did." He shook his head
sharply as though tossing something out of his hair. "And look what you've done
with that Empire!"
"I have set up a pattern in it, a pattern of patterns."
"So you say."
"Information is frozen in patterns, Duncan. We can use one pattern to solve
another pattern. Flow patterns are the hardest to recognize and understand."
"More mumbo jumbo."
"You made that mistake once before."
"Why do you let the Tleilaxu keep bringing me back to life-one ghola after
another? Where's the pattern in that?"
"Because of the qualities which you possess in abundance. I will let my father
say it."
Idaho's mouth drew into a grim line.
Leto spoke in Muad'Dib's voice, and even the cowled face fell into a semblance
of the paternal features. "You were my truest friend, Duncan, better even than
Gurney Halleck. But I am the past."
Idaho swallowed hard. "The things you're doing!"
"They cut against the Atreides grain?"
"You're damned right!"
Leto resumed his ordinary tones. "Yet I'm still Atreides."
"Are you really?"
"What else could I be?"
"I wish I knew!"
"You think I play tricks with words and voices?"
"What in all the seven hells are you really doing?"
"I preserve life while setting the stage for the next cycle,."
"You preserve it by killing?"
"Death has often been useful to life."
"That's not Atreides!"
"But it is. We often saw the value of death. The lxians, however, have never
seen that value."
"What've the lxians got to do with. . ."
"Everything. They would make a machine to conceal their other machinations."
Idaho spoke in a musing tone. "Is that why the Ixian Ambassador was here?"
"You've seen Hwi Noree," Leto said.
Idaho pointed upward. "She was leaving as I arrived."
"You spoke to her?"
"I asked her what she was doing here. She said she was choosing sides."
A burst of laughter erupted from Leto. "Oh, my," he said. "She is so good. Did
she reveal her choice?"
"She said she serves the God Emperor now. I didn't believe her, of course."
"But you should believe her."
"Ahhh, yes; I forgot that you once doubted even my grandmother, the Lady
"I had good reason!"
"Do you also doubt Siona?"
"I'm beginning to doubt everyone!"
"And you say you don't know your value to me," Leto accused.
"What about Siona?" Idaho demanded. "She says you want us . . . I mean, dammit .
. ."
"The thing you must always trust about Siona is her creativity. She can create
the new and beautiful. One always trusts the truly creative."
"Even the machinations of the lxians?"
"That is not creative. You always know the creative because it is revealed
openly. Concealment betrays the existence of another force entirely."
"Then you don't trust this Hwi Noree, but you. . ."
"I do trust her, and precisely for the reasons I have just given you."
Idaho scowled, then relaxed and sighed. "I had better cultivate her
acquaintance. If she is someone you. . ."
"No! You will stay away from Hwi Noree. I have something special in mind for
I have isolated the city-experience within me and have examined it closely. The
idea of a city fascinates me. The formation of a biological community without a
functioning, supportive social community leads to havoc. Whole worlds have
become single biological communities without an interrelated social structure
and this has always led to ruin. It becomes dramatically instructive under
overcrowded conditions. The ghetto is lethal. Psychic stresses of overcrowding
create pressures which will erupt. The city is an attempt to manage these
forces. The social forms by which cities make the attempt are worth study.
Remember that there exists a certain malevolence about the formation of any
social order. It is the struggle for existence by an artificial entity.
Despotism and slavery hover at the edges. Many injuries occur and, thus, the
need for laws. The law develops its own power structure, creating more wounds
and new injustices. Such trauma can be healed by cooperation, not by
confrontation. The summons to cooperate identifies the healer.
-The Stolen Journals
MONEO ENTERED Leto's small chamber with evident agitation.
He actually preferred this meeting place because the God Emperor's cart lay in a
depression from which a deadly attack by the Worm would be more difficult, and
there was the undeniable fact that Leto allowed his majordomo to descend in an
Ixian tube-lift rather than via that interminable ramp. But Moneo felt that the
news he brought this morning was guaranteed to arouse The Worm Who Is God.
How to present it?
Dawn lay only an hour past, the fourth Festival Day, a fact Moneo could greet
with equanimity only because it brought him that much nearer the end of these [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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